A Short Walk In The Gambian Bush

A 700 Mile Odyssey

Posts Tagged ‘the eden project

meeting the Eden Project team and Gambia Experience team

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chris rowles (gambia Experience), don murray (the eden project/GFL), florio and jones (a short walk UK tram members)

Chris Rowles (Gambia Experience), Don Murray ( Eden Project/GFL), Florio and Jones (A Short Walk UK team members)

Our first official (and very exciting!) meeting with Eden Project and Gambia Experience, doing a great impression on being ‘in The Gambia’ in the Tropical Biome at The Eden Project! These guys are the best! Big big thanks to all the amazing people who are working hard with us to help the expedition to succeed.

From the Eden Project :

Don Murray (Chair of Horticulture), Justine Quinn, Rob Lowe, David Rowe and Mike Petty


From Gambia Experience:

Chris Rowles (MD), Karen Durham and Jenny Adams


updates to follow very soon……….please stop by again. Jones & Florio x

Photo courtesy Chris Saville/apexnewspix.com 2009